Wednesday 21 May 2014

Overall evaluation.

Overall I am happy with how this final year and module has gone and developed my practice to what it is today. I have taken massive steps after submitting my dissertation and realised how this has affected me massively. My practice has developed into one which is focussed around print, type and brand.
The briefs which I have undergone I have altered and selected based on this change in my practice and throughout the year I have tried to tailer them to my strengths but also ones which are more challenging so I could develop skills and techniques especially those in screen print as this is a method I want to use in the end of year show. I have realised my enjoyment for collaboration and live briefs and the challenges which are presented in these.
I realise now that I do have some elements still to develop on. These are photographing my final products. Although this has improved dramatically since the beginning of the year I still recognise that I need to spend more time doing so because it effects the outcome so much. I know that if I had planned my time better at the beginning of the year instead of working so slow I could have had time at the end to really focus on these skills. More time printing and choosing stocks more carefully would have also improved this final quality displayed on the boards. I don't think they are bad but definitely could be better.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Brief evaluation forms.

Notepad- Final presentation boards.

Leeds cat rescue- Final presentation boards.

Jaypee x BAGD- Final presentation boards.

Hallmark- Final presentation boards.

Gee's website- Final presentation boards.

80s Channel- Final presentation boards.

Yorkshire restaurant- Final presentation boards.